Present Yourself
Romans 12:1
“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”
My full surrender to the justice system required that I submit myself to their rules and their way of doing things. Before I was “born again” in prison, I was not always willing and compliant to their demands. I did not have a good attitude and I had little respect for authority. Doing time was hard. Can you relate?
However, once I began to understand God’s Word, I knew I should respect positions of authority because God has placed them there. I began to submit and comply. Doing my time got easier.
As Christians, we are urged by the Apostle Paul to sacrifice our self-will, and willingly present our lives to God. We fully surrender to Him. In respecting His ultimate authority, we position ourselves to allow His Holy Spirit to gradually sanctify our lives so that we become ever more pleasing, holy and acceptable to our Father.
Jesus said we should worship the Father in spirit and in truth. Our hearts must truly desire to live sacrificially to and for Him.
Real worship of God results as we live our lives with eternity firmly in mind. That is, we are increasingly concerned with obedience, holiness, and self-sacrifice so that we become more pleasing to our Father. We become less concerned with pleasing others.
Present your life daily to God.
Dive Deeper: Study Romans 11:33 – 13:6.