God Reveals his Plans
Amos 3:7
“Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.”
It seems God gives us plenty of warning before He does something really significant. This includes, of course, the coming of the Messiah, Jesus; bringing judgment on the land; setting His people free from Egypt, restoring the land after a period of captivity, etc.
Bible teacher, Jack Kelley, believes at least 25-30% of the scriptures were actually prophetic when they were written:
“When you include the parts of the Bible that were prophecy when they were first written but have subsequently been fulfilled (such as the prophecies of the Babylonian captivity, the Lord’s first coming, and the destruction of Jerusalem) with the parts that were prophecy when they were first written and have not been fulfilled yet (such as the prophecies of the end times judgments, the Lord’s second coming, and the millennium) most experts agree with the 25-30% estimate I used. Some even place it higher.”
The value of studying prophecies that have already been fulfilled is that they validate God’s promise that prophecies of events still in our future will also be fulfilled. They also confirm that He is who He claims to be; the One who knows the end from the beginning.”1
As you continue to study the Bible, and read the best research by the world’s foremost Christian apologists, your appreciation for the beauty and accuracy of the Word will only keep growing.
Thank the Father for the magnificence of His Word, and its accuracy and relevance over time.
Dive Deeper: Study Amos 3; Revelation 19:10.
1 https://gracethrufaith.com/ask-a-bible-teacher/much-bible-prophecy-2/ (as of 6/9/19)