Working Together for Good

 In Daily Devotional

Romans 8:28, AMP

“And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose.”

Similar to yesterday, notice that today’s verse starts with the word “And”, so this verse continues the thought begun in Romans 8:26. Therefore, it would be helpful to review the previous two day’s devotionals for purposes of continuity.

When we allow the Holy Spirit to intercede with sighs, groans and syllables uttered by and through us, we know He is praying the perfect will of God over our lives. Because He is God, and knows the mind of the Father, the Spirit knows exactly what to pray at just the right time in every circumstance and how to perfectly express it.

Therefore, as a true believer in love with, and dependent on, our Father, we can be certain that He will take even the worst of circumstances and use it for our good when we allow the Holy Spirit to intercede on our behalf.

In faith, we must always choose to trust God with the outcome of every situation when we have thoroughly prayed through with our mind, and with our spirit.


Tell the Father you trust Him to implement His perfect plan for your life. Surrender completely to the intercession on your behalf by His Spirit. Recommit your total love for and to the Father, and depend on Him to work everything out for good in your life today.

Dive Deeper: Study Romans 8:26-28; 1 Corinthians 14:15; Jude 1:20.