Send Me

 In Daily Devotional

Isaiah 6:8

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’”

Not every Christian is called to be a pastor, teacher or evangelist; but every one of us is called to be an ambassador for Christ. We should all be responding as Isaiah did in today’s passage.

An ambassador is generally an official representative of a government; and, an agent of the highest rank appointed for a special assignment. As born again believers, God has officially appointed us to represent His Heavenly Kingdom to the people of earth. See 2 Corinthians 5:20.

As His appointees, we are to represent the message, truth, values and ethics of His Kingdom. We carry His authority everywhere we go every hour of the day. We must always be ready to respond to His leadership by His Holy Spirit, fully expecting Him to provide us with opportunities to positively influence someone with the Kingdom message.

Our most important area of influence and impact is in our day-to-day lives wherever we spend most of our waking hours. The Kingdom of Heaven is not meant to be experienced solely inside the four walls of a building we call a “church” on Sunday morning! In fact, I suggest, it is to be primarily advanced in our workplace and living environments.

I heard it said that, “God does not call the trained; He trains the called!” You are in training every day as you pray, study the Word, and are led by the Holy Spirit. Stay ready!


Thank the Father for appointing you to represent Him to the world. Use the authority Jesus gave you as you choose to be led by the Spirit today.

Represent Him well.

Dive Deeper: Study Isaiah 6; 2 Corinthians 5:20