Going Home: Maintain Private Time

 In Daily Devotional

Mark 1:35

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”

Starting off our day in private, personal time with our Heavenly Father is so important, necessary and rewarding. If Jesus needed to spend time early with His Father, all the more so should we. I hope you are already establishing this as a personal priority right where you are.

When we have re-grounded ourselves in Christ Jesus early in the day, it is much more likely we will respond appropriately to the attacks of the enemy later on. It is all too easy to allow many other worldly commitments and distractions to keep us from spending daily time focused on heavenly priorities.

These distractions are especially challenging in the close environment of prison. Even though a place of total solitude is rare or even impossible in prison, we must choose to withdraw in a spiritual sense to a secluded place in which we are seeking God with all our heart, mind and soul.

We may need to get up earlier or stay up later to experience a little more peace and quiet. For me, doing this early in the day works best. Reading the Word, prayer and worship are important ways to spend this time.


Ask your Father to show you how to dedicate and cultivate more time with Him each day. Decide to arrange your schedule to accommodate this important daily practice.

Treasure your private time with God. Maintain it faithfully.

Dive Deeper: Study Mark 1; compare today’s verse with Psalm 91.