God is not Unjust
Hebrews 6:10
“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”
Doing good does not earn salvation as we learned yesterday. However, good works naturally flow from a truly repentant, born-again lifestyle.
Crowns and other rewards await us in Heaven for our earthly works bearing eternal fruit, but I believe we will be so overtaken with love and gratitude for Jesus that we will adoringly present our own rewards back to Him by laying them at His feet.
Our challenge daily is to serve the Lord with all our heart by properly representing Him to all those with whom we come into contact. Most of the time, we may not see any immediate positive results, nor receive positive feedback. But, God instantly knows and sees everything, and He appreciates even the smallest act of kindness.
We have already been given so much in what Jesus has done for us who deserve nothing, that we are not really even concerned with future rewards. Because we have been forgiven, we want to forgive others. Since we have received love, mercy, and grace so abundantly, we want to give it to others freely. Since Jesus sacrificed His life for us, we should willingly deny ourselves and sacrifice for others.
Don’t give up. Don’t be discouraged. Keep serving God with all your heart. You are pleasing the Lord Jesus by helping His people.
Tell the Father you are thankful He allows you to serve Him by serving His people. Ask the Holy Spirit to let you see others the way Jesus sees them, and surrender to the Holy Spirit’s desire and ability to help them through you.
Dive Deeper: Study Hebrews 6; 1 Corinthians 15:58.