Forgive, to be Forgiven
Matthew 6:14-15
“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”
The above verse is very sobering. It is clearly stated. If we want forgiveness from the Father, we must forgive others. There is no middle ground.
A “seed” of un-forgiveness planted in a “ground of hurt” gives us a “harvest” of pain. It grieves our spirit, torments our mind, and distresses us emotionally. All these, combined with a desire for vengeance or retaliation, hurt us – not the person who offended us. Often times they may not even realize their offense. This has been likened to drinking poison ourselves, thinking it will kill the other person!
One of the primary reasons Jesus came was so we could have forgiveness through His blood. One of the last things Jesus did was to cry out to God, asking His Father to forgive those who had spit upon Him, ridiculed Him, beat Him, mocked Him, and nailed Him to that cross. I’m sure he did not “feel” like forgiving them, yet that’s what He chose to do, and prayed to His Father in like manner. We must also be willing to forgive and pray for those who have harmed us. Aren’t there people you too should choose to forgive?
In spite of your feelings, make a choice to forgive those who have hurt you. Ask the Father to help you by His Holy Spirit.
Forgive, to be forgiven.
Dive Deeper: Study Matthew 6; Mark 11:20-25.