The Spirit Led Jesus
Luke 4:1-2
“Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, 2 where for forty days he was tempted by the devil…”
Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit, and led by the Spirit. If Jesus needed the Holy Spirit so do we!
The beginnings of the first stage of the ministry of Jesus was not in the Temple, or among the throngs of people who would later surround Him; rather, He was in the wilderness with only the Holy Spirit of His Father. There in the desert the man Jesus learned to follow the Divine Spirit.
He was sustained during forty days of testing, and empowered to say “no” to the temptations of Satan. When the enemy presented an enticing argument, Jesus was led by the Spirit to use the Word to specifically counter Satan for success. He did not need anything but the Word and the Spirit to overcome every temptation.
Similarly, in our own wilderness experience, we must be led by the Spirit, and emboldened by the Word of God. We must be able to counter specific temptations with specific scriptures for victory. We must be willing to be led by the Spirit so that we learn and grow through every test and trial.
We must daily be filled with the Spirit. See Ephesians 5:15-20.
Ask the Father to reveal more of Himself to you through His Holy Spirit today. Tell Him you want to be continuously filled, and led, by His Spirit. When you encounter temptations and trials today utilize the Word and the Spirit to overcome. He will sustain you!
Dive Deeper: Study Luke 4; Matthew 4:1-17; Ephesians 5:15-20.