Lift Up Your Head
Luke 21:28
“When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”
As “the Day of the Lord” quickly approaches, we should remember the signs Jesus so clearly enumerated shortly before He willingly gave up His Life for us on the Cross. We need to be awake and watching.
We should live with our hearts and heads lifted up in anticipation of His soon return! “Look up, your redemption is drawing near.” What an exciting time to be alive!
In Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, Jesus told us to look for certain events and signs, and He repeatedly warned of deception. He said to be aware of wars and rumors of wars; and, famines and earthquakes in diverse places. There will be great persecution; many will turn away from the faith; and, many will betray and hate one another.
False prophets will deceive many; wickedness will increase; and, the love of most will grow cold. The Gospel will be preached in the whole world, and there will be unequaled great distress. There will be great signs in the stars, sun and moon; with fearful events and great signs from Heaven.
There will pestilences in various places, and the world will hate Christians. Nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. Heavenly bodies will be shaken, and men will faint from terror.
All these are happening now. Don’t run. Don’t hide. Don’t be afraid. Don’t be preoccupied with temporary worldly distractions. Look up!
Ask the Father to give you discernment by His Holy Spirit so you will not be deceived, and boldness to tell others about Jesus!
Dive Deeper: Study Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21.