Going Home

 In Daily Devotional

Jeremiah 29:14

“I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back from captivity.”

As you look forward to the day you will be released, if you are like me you may wonder if you can really follow Christ out there “in the free world”. You can. But it will require daily focus and commitment.

If I were to name nine most important things to help you be consistent and faithful about your commitment to follow Christ in “the free world”, they would be:

1. Join a church and attend as often as possible.
2. Restore broken relationships – and work at maintaining them once restored.
3. Separate totally and permanently from the former bad influences of certain people, places and things.
4. Faithfully maintain prayer, Bible study and private worship daily.
5. Maintain a constant, prayerful attitude of gratefulness and humility towards God.
6. Get an accountability partner and meet regularly. Having a trusted accountability partner is an important factor in maintaining a faithful walk. Don’t walk alone.
7. Get actively involved in serving in an anointed ministry as a volunteer. As you invest yourself in the issues and challenges of others, the joy of the Lord will strengthen and enrich you. You will be drawn closer to the Father by the Holy Spirit, and your personal testimony will encourage others.
8. If you fall, quickly confess and truly repent. Get right back up on your Christian walk.
9. Forgive yourself. You did your time – put the past behind you and move on! You are a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17)!!


Ask your Heavenly Father for wisdom in preparing for your release.

Dive Deeper: Study Jeremiah 29:4-14; Jeremiah 24:4-7.